Old Version of Solarwinds
I need to simulate a lab, in which i need to install an old version of solarwinds with the following specs: Old Solar Winds Server •Orion Platform 2011.2.2•NPM 10.2.2•NTA 3.9.0•SQL Enterprise I...
View ArticleRe: XenServer VM Monitor
Not support xenServer . refer this link : Feature Request - XenServer Support | thwack
View ArticleRe: Patch Manager
So can you please send as a link for step by step instruction to achieve our objectivehttp://www.solarwinds.com/documentation/en/flarehelp/patchman/
View ArticleLEM supported Logs
Hello, Can LEM support logs from IPT telephonic devices like Cisco Call manager ? If it support then whats the configuration of IP Telephonic devices. Please help regarding this issue.I appreciate your...
View ArticleCan Kiwi syslog forwards messages to Orion LEM ?
Hello Everyone, Please let me know is this possible that Kiwi syslog forward messages to Orion LEM. I am waiting for response. Thanks
View ArticleRe: HP Tools on Hyper-V Server 2012 to manage RAID
Great..Thanks for the feedback...I will give this a shot
View ArticleRe: How to use trusted certificate with WSUS rather than self-generated...
Trusted Publishers is a key location where the cert needs to exist on all systems, but I'm not aware that this should impact your ability to distribute it.(The only thing that should exist in Trusted...
View ArticleOrion - Windows Service Monitoring - WMI Vs. RPC
Hey, In my environment i'm seeing multiple timeouts when polling for windows service states via WMI... eventually things will work, but i consistently get an "Unknown" state on my service monitors....
View ArticleRe: SAM has helped me......? Your chance to share!
(tap tap tap)...is this thing on? Check 1 check 1-2 ...Can you hear me? Anyone..!?!?
View ArticleRe: Orion - Windows Service Monitoring - WMI Vs. RPC
This is an age old question that has no simple answer. RPC is more resource intensive (CPU/Bandwidth/etc.), but can under certain circumstances be faster than WMI. The reverse can also be true under...
View ArticleHow to create custom table report with multiple columns created based on node...
Hello,Does someone know how to create a custom table report with multiple columns created based on values from node custom properties? We have firewalls, IDS/IPS, Proxy devices in my department's...
View ArticleRe: I want to change C# source code of Orion website.
Hello, Danielle. I solve the problem by modify aspx files or replace cs files on aspx. In this case VB.Net rules.
View ArticleWHD Reservations do not work correctly it seems.
Two issues - 1: Adding a reservation when someone else is in reservations results in the same reservation number trying to be used by the system. 2: When searching reservations that are "greater than...
View ArticleRe: How to create custom table report with multiple columns created based on...
I'm doing it off the top of my head, but it would look something like this. I'm assuming you have a custom property for "NodeType" (firewall, Proxy, etc). If not, you'll have to group by machine type...
View ArticleRe: Orion - Windows Service Monitoring - WMI Vs. RPC
Also, you can't monitor Eventlog with RPC, and you can't restart services if you are monitoring them with RPC. So there's a couple of trade-offs. In our environment we really try to monitor with SNMP...
View ArticleNPM
Heey, I need to do a work about NPM but I am beginner about it. So, I have a question: - Can I install in Windows 7 O.S?
View ArticleRe: hp c7000 chassis cpu pegged at 100%
Good point. I find we do have another chassis which is (apparently) reporting correctly at around 14%. I'll ask the SME to see what the difference is.
View ArticleRe: Creating rules through NCM Policy
Does anyone know how to do this? I'm looking for this rule.
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