Re: What We Are Working On Post IPAM 4.0?
can I request filtering of UDT port column to only direct and active connections? This is becoming a confusing field for our users.
View ArticleRe: Can not receive message from Cisco switch 3750
So I had to import your .ini file to visually see what was going on... Acy, my experience differs from yours.. And come to think of it I've never tried it the way you describe (no filters). From my...
View ArticleRe: Cattools failing (Username failed - will retry) :: Nexus 5548 switch
Hi,Once you enabled the Capture mode and run the activity,You can see the debug information under the below mentioned folder with device name,'C:\Program Files (x86)\CatTools3\Debug' Thanks,Nanda
View ArticleRe: Hopping ssh2 connection via a linux host
Hi, Please do as below, 1.Configure your Linux host with the device type 'Linux.RedHat.Bash' with the Connection via as 'Direct connect' and with proper credentials2.Configure your Cisco Router with...
View ArticleRe: Hardware Health Chart for Temperature
This should work and it works for me. This is per user settings. Can you try to change the units on edit account page in "Hardware Health Package Settings" section. If does not work, please open...
View ArticleHow to monitor alerts?
Hi, I have an issue which we had just faced. Found out that the alerts module stopped sending out alerts since last Thursday night and something happened during the weekend but no alerts were sent out....
View ArticleRe: Can not receive message from Cisco switch 3750
hello guys, Yes, you are right. I did not check Filter option on my syslog server. But in fact, I did receive logs from different cisco devices and servers. All my cisco devices are in same sub net,...
View ArticleNeed advise on SAM to monitor Oracle DB
Can anyone guide me on the configurations to monitor Oracle DB ?What credentials do I need? The OS or Oracle itself? After that what else? I followed the...
View ArticleAuto adjusting device views
I have created custom summary views for our users who have widescreen monitors (1920x1080) and those that have older 4x3 screens (1024x768). However when the users click through to device details, we...
View ArticleRe: Query databases Alert Manager
I made a C# project that connects to Alert Central and prints out all of the users to the console. See if that works for you. Thanks, Robert
View ArticleRe: What could be causing my NPM server CPU utilization demands, Memory and...
Theupdatedversions thatwere: NPM10.5NTA3.11.0
View ArticleRe: Trouble with custom swql query in device view
Yes: All of them that offer a 'Filter:' field in the edit page, fail. Either the filter is ignored completely and we get the whole table being queried, or we get no results at all. If we use...
View ArticleRe: Show us a NOC view and get 500 thwack points!
Our NOC view. It still a work in progress.
View ArticleCustom Script Output on Database
Hi, We are certain custom scripts using the Linux Nagios Script component that is used to collect data from a file from a remote server. We were wondering which table in the database could host this...
View ArticleRe: How to Avoid "Monitoring Spam"
And now with the baseline threshold calculator, it will be even easier to establish thresholds from baseline performance.
View ArticleCisco ASA Stats
Hello, I am looking to get statistics from our Cisco ASA's. I am not sure how to get this information out of Kiwi Syslog.Basically I am looking for the number of users that connected to our Cisco...
View ArticleRe: Dameware NT Utilities ANY USERS
Error 1726 could indicate something is blocking the LDAP call used by DRS to connect to the DC. Could there be a firewall between your workstation and the server in the remote site? I would suggest...
View ArticleRe: Alerts - Percent variable being displayed as a variable
Let me further clarify.Below is an example of how the alert is configured which I believe is the default settings.Also below is the email that I receive based upon those settings.As you can see my...
View ArticleRe: Ndepth: "No results available" on first seach
I think in the first search case when you drag over from the refine fields into the default empty text search, for some reason it's not replacing it, it's dumping what you see into it. Instead, I think...
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