i was setting up a military exercise many years ago. My nice Major(not all officers respect civilians) asked if he could help
never looking a gift horse in the mouth i said YES!, "can you please get the racks PDUs installed and start to plug in all the devices in the rack."
two days later i walked in and to my horror, he did not bring in my APC rack PDU, he brought in cheap power strips he had "found"
everything was running but i heard this loud humming sound at the back of the racks
seeing that the power strip breakers were tripping, the major assumed that there was an issue with the breaker on each strip
he had taken out his gun tape and had wrapped it around each breaker to ensure they they would not trip
the humming was the breaker trying to trip!! but unable to because of the tape!
i felt the supply cables and they were very hot.
i shut everything down, took out my wire cutters and cut the supply chord at the power-strips. As a Engineer i knew that the breaker was now dead and useless and that the cheap power bar was garbage
the Major came in the next day and asked me who had sabotaged his work
i explained to him what was wrong and why and thanked him for his "effort"
after that i let him do what he knew best, handling paperwork and filling in government forms
lesson learned
do not ASSUME that the person helping you knows what you know. That just makes an ASS of U and ME