so a few questions :
So I have a ticket open for an issue - when checking realtime event viewer , process explore and services - on some nodes and I think I have it down to devices only happing on the secondary poller - going to do some more testing today by moving some around.
Some alerts that i have sent up with percentage values are now showing strings of numbers for example and these all worked before the upgrade - ( i have not upgraded WPM as of yet to the RC )
Examples: 1
Device Name: Sever 1
Device Status: Up
IP Address:
Alert Time :Friday, January 30, 2015 6:22 PM
Department: Enterprise Services
Memory Used: 1.93246E+09
Total Memory: 2.146828E+09
Example: 2
Volume Description: C:\ Label: Serial Number e0cdacff
Volumel: 657
Space Available: 1528479744
Sapce Used: 14568357888
Volume Size: 16096837632
I also noticed and maybe thats the way it supposed to be in the app stack environment view ( which I love ) when I look at a node I see in the appstack 2 hosts and 2 data stores and multiple volumes- now these all might be right so thats why I am asking as i get used to the new updates.
I would of thought I would just see the host that the guest is on and the datastore the guest is on and the volumes for the guest - they seem to be all the volumes on the both hosts ...