Hey mbayarena
I am not real good at SQL but I was able to write something that I think may fit your needs.
There are a couple of things you will have to add to the query in order for it to work.
You need the name of the custom poller that you use to pull these metrics. (This can be left blank but its better if its not).
You will also need to grab the 3 numbers that are associated to the metrics you want to pull.
IE: in the picture you posted above it shows for Temp (14A72C2C-4454-4BA8-956E-488D6180B011) and for hardware it shows (BA831FE9-7F14-4A52-842E-54DAD6A223D5). You would just need to find a number for the NiosVersion. Once you add those to the script you should be able to run it and get those 3 metrics in columns.
So in the Query where it says
Set @CustomPollerName = ''
Change to
Set @CustomPollerName = 'CustomPollerNameHere'
And where it says this
Set @TEMPvar1 = ''
Set @NiosVersionvar1 = ''
Set @HardwareTypevar1 = ''
Change to
Set @TEMPvar1 = '14A72C2C-4454-4BA8-956E-488D6180B011'
Set @NiosVersionvar1 = 'PutNiosVersionNumberHere'
Set @HardwareTypevar1 = 'BA831FE9-7F14-4A52-842E-54DAD6A223D5'
I would double check the numbers above to make sure I entered them correctly
If this query works for you, you should be able to put it in a report through web reports.
Hopefully that works for you