I have managed to add BIND DNS servers with root privileges to IPAM.
Everything went smooth, node add and test with BIND credentials.
But nothing is pulled from those to IPAM view.
Could some one help investigate where is the trouble.
I can see on Bind server that user has issued several commands when added to IPAM.
838 named -V
839 named -v
840 uname -mrs
841 ps -A -o comm,pid,args | grep ^named
842 [ -r "/srv/bind/etc/named.conf" ] && echo 'true'
843 [ -w "/srv/bind/etc/named.conf" ] && echo 'true'
844 [ -r "/srv/bind/etc/named.conf" ] && echo 'true'
845 sha1sum "/srv/bind/etc/named.conf"
846 cat "/srv/bind/etc/named.conf"
847 [ -r "/srv/bind/etc/rndc.key" ] && echo 'true'
848 sha1sum "/srv/bind/etc/rndc.key"
849 cat "/srv/bind/etc/rndc.key"
850 [ -r "/srv/bind/etc/named.rfc1912.zones" ] && echo 'true'
851 sha1sum "/srv/bind/etc/named.rfc1912.zones"
852 cat "/srv/bind/etc/named.rfc1912.zones"