Hi Shriya,
Solarwinds NPM is licensed on an Element count made up of Nodes, Interfaces and Volumes.
This is from the NPM administrator guide http://www.solarwinds.com/documentation/Orion/docs/OrionNPMAdministratorGuide.pdf
At the bottom of Page 40:
NPM Licensing Levels
The following list provides the different types of Orion Network Performance Monitor licenses that are available:
An SL100 license allows you to monitor up to 100 nodes, 100 interfaces, and 100 volumes (300 elements in total).
An SL250 license allows you to monitor up to 250 nodes, 250 interfaces, and 250 volumes (750 elements in total).
An SL500 license allows you to monitor up to 500 nodes, 500 interfaces, and 500 volumes (1500 elements in total).
An SL2000 license allows you to monitor up to 2000 nodes, 2000 interfaces, and 2000 volumes (6000 elements in
An SLX license allows you to monitor a virtually unlimited number of elements
As Jan Pelousek has said above you can monitor up to 12k on a poller with default polling rates.
it is also dependent on your hardware's ability to monitor that much information (The hardware makes a big difference!)
If you want to add more elements than the primary poller can handle then Solarwinds also have a product called an
Additional Polling Engine that you put on a new server so that you can poll more elements.
So if you have reached the limit of what your Solarwinds installation can poll fr then you may need an additional poller.
Or if you have reached the limit on your licensing then you may need to purchase a bigger license.
You do not have to monitor every interface on a switch, you may only wish to add the main interfaces and monitor the
CPU / Mem / Traffic / Health of the switch. It depends on what your requirements are.
I hope that helps