We're definitely starting to leverage PowerShell wherever possible. The deprecation of SNMP support in Server 2012 (in the same article by aLTeReGo on SAM as linked to above) was a compelling argument to start the transition. PowerShell's Invoke-Command cmdlet that allows you to multi-thread commands on the a series of remote machines vs.having to do serial communications. (Great article on it here -http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2012/07/23/an-introduction-to-powershell-remoting-part-one.aspx)
We are in a multi-poller environment (16 and counting) so we use a pre-defined list of authorized servers for SNMP configuration. GPO will be our friend for WMI, Windows Firewall, etc. configuration.
What else should be on my "give me access to" wish list?