So here is the SQL Query I put into a Text Only Email Alert to print out in the body a SQL Table (multiple column, rows)
${SQL:Select (Column1 + char(9) + Column2 + char(9) + Isnull(Column3,'') + char(9) + isnull(Column4,'') + char(9) + Column5 + char(10)) FROM Table where NodeID = '${NodeID}' Group By Column1, Column2, Column3, Column4, Column5 FOR XML RAW(''), ELEMENTS}
char(9) is ASCII TAB
char(10) is line feed (note char(13) is not needed)
isnull insures any columns which can be null are printed as a blank ''
end result is, yes the email query is only grabbing the first value, but that first value is the Whole Table. yes there is some alignment problems, but if someone wants to define padding options that be nice, but it works for me as is.