what's interesting is, i changed to the following rules and it is still having the same issue, however, another machine that i manually installed this hotfix on but didn't approve the update for was in another WSUS group and it shows as installed on the Patch Manager Console, so this leads me to believe that the problem is in my Applicability ruleset.
Here is what I have:
Applicability Rule:
NOT WMI Query: Namespace=root\cimv2 WAL Querty=select * from Win32_QuickFixEngineering where HotFixID="KB2532445"
Installed Rules:
WMI Query: Namespace=root\cimv2 WAL Querty=select * from Win32_QuickFixEngineering where HotFixID="KB2532445"
So i'm not sure where the problem lies here then. As you suggested, if the update repeatedly detects and installs, it is an indication that the installed ruleset is not returing "TRUE". However, within the Patch Manger Console, i am seeing another workstation that uses this logic that shows it IS installed and it is. Also as per your previous post, i don't believe the Applicability rule will ring always true, because after it installs, the WMI query should then show that the hotfix is indeed installed and thus not applicable? I really appreciate your help with this! It's so frustrating because these hotfixes do not have valid versions in their dlls since newer updates supercede them. I have also tried registry rules and it yields the same results.