How can I troubleshoot the following problem:
- a testclient updatet IE10 yesterday via WSUS --> so the WUAU-Client / Windows Update Client seems to be ok.
- the also applied 3rd party updates are in status "Not Installed", Approved State: "Install" and Windows Update Log (Agent) says "Found 0 updates"
- remote "wuauclt /updatenow" results in "WARNING AU WARNING: UpdateNow faield with hr:80070005" which means "access denied"?
Do I really have to wait further days? ("Testclient" means client for testing but someone is working with it)
I tried Windows Update locally. The client said: "No Updates availiable" (green).
I thought problem is the update client (only a feeling not really diagnostic). So I used "Windows Update Agent Maintenance and Repair" and did:
- Reset Authorization
- Flush BITS cache
- Reset SUS-ID
- Reset WUA-Service Security Permissions
Now the Client finds the update - I try the installation.