An update on the above. I have found a script that will do what I want HOWEVER for some reason it's only working on very limited services. When I run it against the mysqld or httpd services on the red Hat machines it works fine. However when I then run it against tomcat or tomcat2 it doesn't seem to be able to find the script even though on the Red Hat machine itself I can prove that they are running. The script returns that the services are in a critical condition when they are actually up. Any help appreciated...
perl ${SCRIPT} tomcat2
#use strict
if (scalar(@ARGV) < 1 )
$service = $ARGV[0];
$host = "/bin/hostname";
chomp $host;
$result = sprintf("/bin/ps cax | /bin/grep -w \'.*%s$\'", $service);
printf "Statistic.proc: %d\n", $?;