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Network Atlas Slow?


Hi all. New to both solarwinds and this group.

I recently joined a firm who have solarwinds NPM in place. It hasn't been configured fully and many of the alarms still need modifying for our needs. The thing is, the firm has no network topology and i would really like to get one mapped out, simply because I prefer to work with logical views of networks.


Heres the issue I have. Solarwinds is running from ServerA which I do not have access too(yet - supposed to be getting access any day now)

So I have been running network atlas from my desktop machine, changing the host from local to ServerA's name, and pulling all the network details over from there.

It took some time but after I let it run for a while it returned all the nodes on the network, im not sure how many but lets say well over 100 nodes over our many offices.


I can see the nodes on the left but when ever I drag one of them over on to the map, It hangs for a long long time. Up to 5 or 6 mins per node. Of course if I try and drag a group of nodes over, it takes so long that it times out or crashes network atlas altogether.


Now my question is...

Is this slowness/lagging of adding nodes to the map simply because I am working on my own desktop and pulling all that info from ServerA...and when I get ServerA access next week, will everything run much smoother... OR .. is there something else I could do to improve this? i would say its so slow that is actually just not functional at the moment which is a shame because I really want to get this going.


Any help would be appreciated.



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