Unless you got the queries from your previous post answered, things won't work quite as expected; so I'll try and address that first...
polling hostname or ip address: This is the IP address of the device you want to add
polling method: most devices: Normally SNMP is the best option here
snmp version 2c (default): Again, unless you know your devices support SNMPv3 (a lot don't, including Windows) leave this as 2c
snmp port?: Accept the default
community string: This is something that you will need to define on the device to be monitored. How you do this is sepcific to the device and you should consult the user documentation
read/write community string: Same as above, but this string lets you change some aspects of the device using SNMP
Once you have your SNMP set up correctly SolarWinds will be able to poll your devices properly and gather much more information on things like the vendor, volumes, interfaces, etc.
By default, if the SNMP config isn't correct, the device will tend to be added just as an ICMP device - this means SolarWinds will only try to ping the device and log its availability. If the SNMP config is incorrect the device may still be added, but SNMP queries to the device result in no answer, hence you get no info.